Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’. -Victor Frankl
I enjoy working with individuals, couples, and families, ages 13-adult. I specialize in anxiety and depression-related struggles, behavior management in teens, and with those experiencing relationship distress. My experience began as a case manager supporting and advocating for adults with intellectual disability. My passion for helping others significantly grew through this experience as I developed deeply rich and meaningful relationships with the folks I helped serve.
I learned early on that building relationships through collaboration is the fundamental key to developing the most effective plan in any form of therapy. In order to understand how to help, I must see it from your point of view and therefore, you are an essential part of the process. For more information regarding who I am and the therapy I provide, please visit my website at rickfaganlcpc.com. You can also follow me on Facebook at facebook.com/rflcpc and on Instagram at instagram.com/rickfagantherapy.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology in 2008 and my Masters degree in professional counseling in 2013 both at McKendree University.

Life’s challenges can sometimes seem overwhelming. As a result, we can find ourselves doubting our resiliency and feeling unable to cope. Know that you are not alone and that reaching out for help is a sign of strength. My goal is to provide a safe and collaborative environment where, together, we can find solutions.